Report cards have been automatically sent. If you have a valid email address on file you should have received the report cards. You can also access your student’s report card by following these directions (please see corresponding pics):
1. Login with parent’s credentials to (This is the link to the portal.) 2. Click on Students from the menu. 3. You will be redirected to the Students page. You can select the academic year from the dropdown. If you have multiple children enrolled in MEC Sunday School, you will find all of them here. You will find their Activity Report and Report cards here. 4. Click on Activity Report for the corresponding Subject & Grade to find the marks. 5. Click on Report cards from the Students page to find the Overall Score. You can also check the details from the Details link.
If you have any questions regarding accessing the report cards please contact Br. Abubakr Al-Aidroos. If you have any questions regarding grades please contact the subject teacher.
Hadith: Prophet Muhammad (S) said: Fear Allah wherever you are and follow up a bad deed with a good one and it will wipe it out, and behave well towards people. (Tirmidhi)
10th Grade Parents: Please check your emails for the latest updates and information.
Students needing to make up exams will be allowed to do so; please arrange with your subject teacher ahead of time! We are rescheduling our graduation on Sunday, May 26th to accommodate our graduating class. In lieu of assembly, we will have our graduates address our school students. Students will then be dismissed for classes while graduates and their families will go to the banquet hall for the ceremony. In Sha Allah.
Tardiness Parents must make every attempt to get students to school on time so we can make announcements about upcoming programs and expectations from our students and families. Students are expected to arrive at 10am in the gym. First-period classes start at 10:15am.
Sick Students We have had several sick students come to school and have to be picked up after emergency incidents. If your student is experiencing any symptoms of a cold, flu, or any illness (nausea, fever, lethargy, aches and pains, etc.) keep them home. Contact their teachers for makeup work.
Shoes We have had a number of accidents because students are coming to school wearing slippers or sandals. Students must wear closed-toed shoes to school for their own safety and others. Parents will be called if your student is not following the dress code.
Accessing Report Cards To access your student’s report cards please follow these directions and see the attached instructions: 1. Login into portal with same email used when registered. 2. Click on “Students” tab on left menu column. 3. Click on “Report cards” for each respective class. Please contact Br. Abubakr with any questions.
Registrar Hours Br. Abubakr is available to help with any technical or registration queries. Please see attached flyer.
Student Attire Parents, please note: we will call parents to pick up students or drop off proper attire if the students arrive in inappropriate clothing. We have had students show up in slippers and such. Please refer to the handbook for the policy on student attire. We are in between seasons, so please make sure your students are dressed warm and wearing gym shoes and clean socks.
Absences If your student will be absent, please contact their teachers to inform them and resolve any schoolwork issues. You should know your student’s Seerah, Theology, Tajweed, and Quran teachers and their contacts. If you are unsure, please contact Admin.
Snacks Students are provided pizza for snacks. If your student requires additional snacks, please send nutritious options from home. Students are not allowed to share snacks due to food allergies in a portion of our student body. The vending machine is off-limits to students. A number of students are eating pizza despite having food allergies. Parents, please be mindful of your student’s dietary needs. If they cannot eat pizza send a nutritious alternative from home.
Phone and Electronic Devices Reminder please do not bring electronic games or devices. They will be confiscated till the end of the day. We have had a number of incidents where students have used phones during their school day. Phones are not allowed unless specially required for a class assignment or project. If a student is using their phone without permission, it will be confiscated for the duration of the school day, and they will need to retrieve it from the office. Repeated offenses will result in detention. We have also had students bringing in Switch devices and other electronics. These are not permitted during school hours. MEC Sunday School will not be liable for the loss or theft of any electronic device. Please have your students refrain from bringing in any such devices.
Reusable Water Bottles We are slowly phasing out plastic water bottles and have limited quantities to encourage our students to use reusable water bottles. So please send a reusable water bottle with your, student.
Hadith: Prophet Muhammad (S) said: Righteousness is good morality, and wrongdoing is that which wavers in your soul and which you dislike people finding out about. (Muslim)
Welcome to Sunday School News .
Finals! Make sure your students come to school well-rested and fed so they can focus.
📖May 19: Quran and Theology Finals Study guides have been given to students. Please contact your student’s teachers with any questions or concerns. 👕May 19th: Finals Frenzy! Pajama Day! Students are encouraged to come dressed in their favorite PJs. Attire should be Islamically appropriate. Closed-toe shoes only! See attached flyer.
10th Grade Parents: Please RSVP for your student’s graduation. Check your emails for the link. Students needing to make up exams will be allowed to do so, please arrange ahead of time with your subject teacher! To accommodate our graduating class we are rescheduling our graduation on Sunday, May 26th. In lieu of assembly we will have our graduates address our school students. Students will then be dismissed for classes while graduates and their families will go to the banquet hall for the ceremony. In Sha Allah.
Sick Students We have had a number of sick students come to school and have to be picked up after emergency incidents. If your student is experiencing any symptoms of a cold, flu, or any illness (nausea, fever, lethargy, aches and pains, etc.) keep them home. Contact their teachers for makeup work.
Shoes We have had a number of accidents because students are coming to school wearing slippers or sandals. Students must wear closed-toed shoes to school for their own safety and others. Parents will be called if your student is not following the dress code.
Accessing Report Cards To access your student’s report cards please follow these directions and see the attached instructions: 1. Login into portal with same email used when registered. 2. Click on “Students” tab on left menu column. 3. Click on “Report cards” for each respective class. Please contact Br. Abubakr with any questions.
Registrar Hours Br. Abubakr is available to help with any technical or registration queries. Please see attached flyer.
Charity Thank you to all of our families who graciously donated towards the Palestinian relief effort. Masha’Allah, with your donations we were able to collect $10,225. May Allah swt bless you all abundantly and grant freedom to our brothers and sisters in Palestine and alleviate their suffering. Allahuma ameen.
Student Attire Parents, please note: we will call parents to pick up students or drop off proper attire if the students arrive in inappropriate clothing. We have had students show up in slippers and such. Please refer to the handbook for the policy on student attire. We are in between seasons, so please make sure your students are dressed warm and wearing gym shoes and clean socks.
Absences If your student will be absent, please contact their teachers to inform them and resolve any schoolwork issues. You should know your student’s Seerah, Theology, Tajweed, and Quran teachers and their contacts. If you are unsure, please contact Admin.
Tardiness We are still seeing a significant number of students arriving late. Parents must make every attempt to get students to school on time so we can make announcements about upcoming programs and expectations from our students and families. Students are expected to arrive at 10am in the gym. First-period classes start at 10:15am.
Electronics Parents, please note that due to recent incidents involving illegal photographing and videotaping of students, we will be enforcing a “no-phone” policy. Phones are not allowed to be used during school hours unless for classroom instruction. Violations will result in the electronics being confiscated until the end of the day.
Again, we must remind parents that students cannot bring electronics to school (i.e.: Switch games, etc.)
Being prepared with essentials For students to be successful, they must be equipped with the proper tools, such as pencils and notebooks. It is unfortunate how many of our students come to school with nothing. When it is time to write notes, they scramble for pencils and paper. As with public school students, please have your students come to school with pencils and notebooks.
Parking Lot Safety Unfortunately, we have recently seen a number of near-misses in the parking lot because parents are speeding and not paying attention. We must remind everyone to follow proper protocol for dropping off and picking up students. Do not speed. Pay attention and slow down. Come to a complete stop when dropping off or picking up students. When parking your car, be mindful of who and what is around you. Show some patience.
Google Classroom A substantial number of students have not yet accepted their Google Classroom invites. Not doing so will prevent them from participating in Google Classroom, the main communication mode for teachers. All school work, homework, and information is posted there. Please have your students log in to their Google school accounts and accept the invites so that they may be updated. For all Google Classroom issues, please contact Br. Abubakr Alaidroos
Snacks Students are provided pizza for snacks. If your student requires additional snacks, please send nutritious options from home. Students are not allowed to share snacks due to food allergies in a portion of our student body. The vending machine is off-limits to students. A number of students are eating pizza despite having food allergies. Parents, please be mindful of your student’s dietary needs. If they cannot eat pizza send a nutritious alternative from home.
Phone and Electronic Devices Reminder please do not bring electronic games or devices. They will be confiscated till the end of the day. We have had a number of incidents where students have used phones during their school day. Phones are not allowed unless specially required for a class assignment or project. If a student is using their phone without permission, it will be confiscated for the duration of the school day, and they will need to retrieve it from the office. Repeated offenses will result in detention. We have also had students bringing in Switch devices and other electronics. These are not permitted during school hours. MEC Sunday School will not be liable for the loss or theft of any electronic device. Please have your students refrain from bringing in any such devices.
Reusable Water Bottles We are slowly phasing out plastic water bottles and have limited quantities to encourage our students to use reusable water bottles. So please send a reusable water bottle with your, student.
Hadith: Prophet Muhammad (S) said: Be mindful of Allah, and Allah will protect you. Be mindful of Allah, and you will find Him in front of you. If you ask, ask of Allah. If you seek help, seek the help of Allah. (Tirmidhi)
Welcome to Sunday School News .
Finals! Make sure your students come to school well-rested and fed so they can focus.
📖May 12th: Tajweed and Seerah Finals Students have been given study guides. Please contact your student’s teachers with any questions or concerns. 🏈May 12th: Finals Frenzy! Sports Day! Students are encouraged to come dressed in their favorite sports attire. Please note: shorts or sleeveless t-shirts are not permitted. Closed-toe shoes only. Attire should be Islamically appropriate. See attached flyer.
📖May 19: Quran and Theology Finals Study guides have been given to students. Please contact your student’s teachers with any questions or concerns. 👕May 19th: Finals Frenzy! Pajama Day! Students are encouraged to come dressed in their favorite PJs. Attire should be Islamically appropriate. Closed-toe shoes only! See attached flyer.
🎓May 26th: Makeup Exams & 10th Grade Graduation Students needing to make up exams will be allowed to do so, please arrange ahead of time with your subject teacher! To accommodate our graduating class we are rescheduling our graduation on Sunday, May 26th. In lieu of assembly we will have our graduates address our school students. Students will then be dismissed for classes while graduates and their families will go to the banquet hall for the ceremony. In Sha Allah.
Sick Students We have had a number of sick students come to school and have to be picked up after emergency incidents. If your student is experiencing any symptoms of a cold, flu, or any illness (nausea, fever, lethargy, aches and pains, etc.) keep them home. Contact their teachers for makeup work.
Shoes We have had a number of accidents because students are coming to school wearing slippers or sandals. Students must wear closed-toed shoes to school for their own safety and others. Parents will be called if your student is not following the dress code.
Accessing Report Cards To access your student’s report cards please follow these directions and see the attached instructions: 1. Login into portal with same email used when registered. 2. Click on “Students” tab on left menu column. 3. Click on “Report cards” for each respective class. Please contact Br. Abubakr with any questions.
Registrar Hours Br. Abubakr is available to help with any technical or registration queries. Please see attached flyer.
Charity Thank you to all of our families who graciously donated towards the Palestinian relief effort. Masha’Allah, with your donations we were able to collect $10,225. May Allah swt bless you all abundantly and grant freedom to our brothers and sisters in Palestine and alleviate their suffering. Allahuma ameen.
Student Attire Parents, please note: we will call parents to pick up students or drop off proper attire if the students arrive in inappropriate clothing. We have had students show up in slippers and such. Please refer to the handbook for the policy on student attire. We are in between seasons, so please make sure your students are dressed warm and wearing gym shoes and clean socks.
Absences If your student will be absent, please contact their teachers to inform them and resolve any schoolwork issues. You should know your student’s Seerah, Theology, Tajweed, and Quran teachers and their contacts. If you are unsure, please contact Admin.
Tardiness We are still seeing a significant number of students arriving late. Parents must make every attempt to get students to school on time so we can make announcements about upcoming programs and expectations from our students and families. Students are expected to arrive at 10am in the gym. First-period classes start at 10:15am.
Electronics Parents, please note that due to recent incidents involving illegal photographing and videotaping of students, we will be enforcing a “no-phone” policy. Phones are not allowed to be used during school hours unless for classroom instruction. Violations will result in the electronics being confiscated until the end of the day.
Again, we must remind parents that students cannot bring electronics to school (i.e.: Switch games, etc.)
Being prepared with essentials For students to be successful, they must be equipped with the proper tools, such as pencils and notebooks. It is unfortunate how many of our students come to school with nothing. When it is time to write notes, they scramble for pencils and paper. As with public school students, please have your students come to school with pencils and notebooks.
Parking Lot Safety Unfortunately, we have recently seen a number of near-misses in the parking lot because parents are speeding and not paying attention. We must remind everyone to follow proper protocol for dropping off and picking up students. Do not speed. Pay attention and slow down. Come to a complete stop when dropping off or picking up students. When parking your car, be mindful of who and what is around you. Show some patience.
Google Classroom A substantial number of students have not yet accepted their Google Classroom invites. Not doing so will prevent them from participating in Google Classroom, the main communication mode for teachers. All school work, homework, and information is posted there. Please have your students log in to their Google school accounts and accept the invites so that they may be updated. For all Google Classroom issues, please contact Br. Abubakr Alaidroos
Snacks Students are provided pizza for snacks. If your student requires additional snacks, please send nutritious options from home. Students are not allowed to share snacks due to food allergies in a portion of our student body. The vending machine is off-limits to students. A number of students are eating pizza despite having food allergies. Parents, please be mindful of your student’s dietary needs. If they cannot eat pizza send a nutritious alternative from home.
Phone and Electronic Devices Reminder please do not bring electronic games or devices. They will be confiscated till the end of the day. We have had a number of incidents where students have used phones during their school day. Phones are not allowed unless specially required for a class assignment or project. If a student is using their phone without permission, it will be confiscated for the duration of the school day, and they will need to retrieve it from the office. Repeated offenses will result in detention. We have also had students bringing in Switch devices and other electronics. These are not permitted during school hours. MEC Sunday School will not be liable for the loss or theft of any electronic device. Please have your students refrain from bringing in any such devices.
Reusable Water Bottles We are slowly phasing out plastic water bottles and have limited quantities to encourage our students to use reusable water bottles. So please send a reusable water bottle with your, student.
Hadith: Prophet Muhammad (S) said: There is purification for all things and purification of the body is fasting. (Sunan Ibn Majah)
Welcome to Sunday School News .
Apr. 28th: Theology Department Event Theology students will be engaged in various activities during their class times. The theme is “We Love Allah”. Please see attached flyer. Agenda will be provided to parents who have been invited to class presentations.
May 5th: Teacher Appreciation Day In honor of National Teacher Appreciation Week, May 6-10, we welcome our Sunday School students and families to show recognition of our hard-working teachers, teacher’s assistants (TAs), volunteers and security.
May 12th: Tajweed and Seerah Finals Students have been given study guides. Please contact your student’s teachers with any questions or concerns. May 12th: Finals Frenzy! Sports Day! Students are encouraged to come dressed in their favorite sports attire. Please note: shorts or sleeveless t-shirts are not permitted. Closed-toe shoes only. Attire should be Islamically appropriate.
May 19: Quran and Theology Finals Study guides have been given to students. Please contact your student’s teachers with any questions or concerns. May 19th: Finals Frenzy! Pajama Day! Students are encouraged to come dressed in their favorite PJs. Attire should be Islamically appropriate. Closed-toe shoes only!
Accessing Report Cards To access your student’s report cards please follow these directions and see the attached instructions: 1. Login into portal with same email used when registered. 2. Click on “Students” tab on left menu column. 3. Click on “Report cards” for each respective class. Please contact Br. Abubakr with any questions.
Registrar Hours Br. Abubakr is available to help with any technical or registration queries. Please see attached flyer.
Charity Thank you to all of our families who graciously donated towards the Palestinian relief effort. Masha’Allah, with your donations we were able to collect $10,225. May Allah swt bless you all abundantly and grant freedom to our brothers and sisters in Palestine and alleviate their suffering. Allahuma ameen.
Student Attire Parents, please note: we will call parents to pick up students or drop off proper attire if the students arrive in inappropriate clothing. We have had students show up in slippers and such. Please refer to the handbook for the policy on student attire. We are in between seasons, so please make sure your students are dressed warm and wearing gym shoes and clean socks.
Absences If your student will be absent, please contact their teachers to inform them and resolve any schoolwork issues. You should know your student’s Seerah, Theology, Tajweed, and Quran teachers and their contacts. If you are unsure, please contact Admin.
Tardiness We are still seeing a significant number of students arriving late. Parents must make every attempt to get students to school on time so we can make announcements about upcoming programs and expectations from our students and families. Students are expected to arrive at 10am in the gym. First-period classes start at 10:15am.
Electronics Parents, please note that due to recent incidents involving illegal photographing and videotaping of students, we will be enforcing a “no-phone” policy. Phones are not allowed to be used during school hours unless for classroom instruction. Violations will result in the electronics being confiscated until the end of the day.
Again, we must remind parents that students cannot bring electronics to school (i.e.: Switch games, etc.)
Being prepared with essentials For students to be successful, they must be equipped with the proper tools, such as pencils and notebooks. It is unfortunate how many of our students come to school with nothing. When it is time to write notes, they scramble for pencils and paper. As with public school students, please have your students come to school with pencils and notebooks.
Parking Lot Safety Unfortunately, we have recently seen a number of near-misses in the parking lot because parents are speeding and not paying attention. We must remind everyone to follow proper protocol for dropping off and picking up students. Do not speed. Pay attention and slow down. Come to a complete stop when dropping off or picking up students. When parking your car, be mindful of who and what is around you. Show some patience.
Google Classroom A substantial number of students have not yet accepted their Google Classroom invites. Not doing so will prevent them from participating in Google Classroom, the main communication mode for teachers. All school work, homework, and information is posted there. Please have your students log in to their Google school accounts and accept the invites so that they may be updated. For all Google Classroom issues, please contact Br. Abubakr Alaidroos
Snacks Students are provided pizza for snacks. If your student requires additional snacks, please send nutritious options from home. Students are not allowed to share snacks due to food allergies in a portion of our student body. The vending machine is off-limits to students. A number of students are eating pizza despite having food allergies. Parents, please be mindful of your student’s dietary needs. If they cannot eat pizza send a nutritious alternative from home.
Phone and Electronic Devices Reminder please do not bring electronic games or devices. They will be confiscated till the end of the day. We have had a number of incidents where students have used phones during their school day. Phones are not allowed unless specially required for a class assignment or project. If a student is using their phone without permission, it will be confiscated for the duration of the school day, and they will need to retrieve it from the office. Repeated offenses will result in detention. We have also had students bringing in Switch devices and other electronics. These are not permitted during school hours. MEC Sunday School will not be liable for the loss or theft of any electronic device. Please have your students refrain from bringing in any such devices.
Book Sales The online MEC Sunday School bookstore is available for you to purchase your student’s book. The updated booklist is attached. Please use the following link:
Reusable Water Bottles We are slowly phasing out plastic water bottles and have limited quantities to encourage our students to use reusable water bottles. So please send a reusable water bottle with your, student.
Hadith: “The world is beautiful and verdant, and verily God, be He exalted, has made you His stewards in it, and He sees how you acquit yourselves.” (Muslim)
Welcome to Sunday School News .
🗳️ Apr. 21st: Principal Nomination Forms. Printed nomination forms will be available for parents to fill out. All results are secure and will only be visible to the PTO Chair, Br. Abdullah, and the nomination committee.
🌎Apr. 22nd: Earth Day! We will be talking to students about our responsibilities as Muslims and stewards towards the earth and giving out seed packets for students to plant at home. In Sha Allah.
🕌 Apr. 28th: Theology Department Event Theology students will be engaged in various activities during their class times. The theme is “We Love Allah”. Please see attached flyer.
Registrar Hours Br. Abubakr is available to help with any technical or registration queries. Please see attached flyer.
Student Attire Parents, please note: we will call parents to pick up students or drop off proper attire if the students arrive in inappropriate clothing. We have had students show up in slippers and such. Please refer to the handbook for the policy on student attire. We are in between seasons, so please make sure your students are dressed warm and wearing gym shoes and clean socks.
Absences If your student will be absent, please contact their teachers to inform them and resolve any schoolwork issues. You should know your student’s Seerah, Theology, Tajweed, and Quran teachers and their contacts. If you are unsure, please contact Admin.
Tardiness We are still seeing a significant number of students arriving late. Parents must make every attempt to get students to school on time so we can make announcements about upcoming programs and expectations from our students and families. Students are expected to arrive at 10am in the gym. First-period classes start at 10:15am.
Electronics Parents, please note that due to recent incidents involving illegal photographing and videotaping of students, we will be enforcing a “no-phone” policy. Phones are not allowed to be used during school hours unless for classroom instruction. Violations will result in the electronics being confiscated until the end of the day.
Again, we must remind parents that students cannot bring electronics to school (i.e.: Switch games, etc.)
Being prepared with essentials For students to be successful, they must be equipped with the proper tools, such as pencils and notebooks. It is unfortunate how many of our students come to school with nothing. When it is time to write notes, they scramble for pencils and paper. As with public school students, please have your students come to school with pencils and notebooks.
Parking Lot Safety Unfortunately, we have recently seen a number of near-misses in the parking lot because parents are speeding and not paying attention. We must remind everyone to follow proper protocol for dropping off and picking up students. Do not speed. Pay attention and slow down. Come to a complete stop when dropping off or picking up students. When parking your car, be mindful of who and what is around you. Show some patience.
Google Classroom A substantial number of students have not yet accepted their Google Classroom invites. Not doing so will prevent them from participating in Google Classroom, the main communication mode for teachers. All school work, homework, and information is posted there. Please have your students log in to their Google school accounts and accept the invites so that they may be updated. For all Google Classroom issues, please contact Br. Abubakr Alaidroos
Charity As you all are aware, the situation in Gaza is substantially getting worse. Please consider giving your charitable donations to our partners at Helping Hand Chicago. We are partnering with Helping Hands Chicago to provide relief funds for the following: Palestine
Snacks Students are provided pizza for snacks. If your student requires additional snacks, please send nutritious options from home. Students are not allowed to share snacks due to food allergies in a portion of our student body. The vending machine is off-limits to students. A number of students are eating pizza despite having food allergies. Parents, please be mindful of your student’s dietary needs. If they cannot eat pizza send a nutritious alternative from home.
Phone and Electronic Devices Reminder please do not bring electronic games or devices. They will be confiscated till the end of the day. We have had a number of incidents where students have used phones during their school day. Phones are not allowed unless specially required for a class assignment or project. If a student is using their phone without permission, it will be confiscated for the duration of the school day, and they will need to retrieve it from the office. Repeated offenses will result in detention. We have also had students bringing in Switch devices and other electronics. These are not permitted during school hours. MEC Sunday School will not be liable for the loss or theft of any electronic device. Please have your students refrain from bringing in any such devices.
Book Sales The online MEC Sunday School bookstore is available for you to purchase your student’s book. The updated booklist is attached. Please use the following link:
Reusable Water Bottles We are slowly phasing out plastic water bottles and have limited quantities to encourage our students to use reusable water bottles. So please send a reusable water bottle with your, student.
Hadith: Prophet Muhammad (S) would never proceed to the Eid ul Fitr prayer unless he had eaten some dates. (Bukhari)
Welcome to Sunday School News .
Apr. 14th: Study guides will be given to students.
Apr. 14th: First-period Tajweed class for 10th grade parents only. 10th-grade parents are invited to attend their student’s first-period Tajweed class in the banquet hall. You will experience what your students are studying and how to support them in these final weeks before finals. You will have the opportunity to address Sr. Amatul Aziz with any questions and concerns. Please be on time. “80% of success is showing up.” — Woody Allen.
Apr. 14th: Principal Nomination Forms: Hard copy nomination forms will be available for parents to fill out. All results are secure and will only be visible to the PTO Chair, Br. Abdullah, and the nomination committee.
Apr. 28th: Theology Department Event **Theology students will be engaged in various activities during their class times. The theme is “We Love Allah.”
Registrar Hours Br. Abubakr is available to help with any technical or registration queries. Please see attached flyer.
Student Attire ***Parents, please note: we will call parents to pick up students or drop off proper attire if the students arrive in inappropriate clothing. We have had students show up in slippers and such. Please refer to the handbook for the policy on student attire.*** We are in between seasons, so please make sure your students are warm enough and wearing gym shoes and clean socks.
Absences If your student will be absent, please contact their teachers to inform them and resolve any schoolwork issues. You should know your student’s Seerah, Theology, Tajweed, and Quran teachers and their contacts. If you are unsure, please contact Admin.
Tardiness We are still seeing a significant number of students arriving late. Parents must make every attempt to get students to school on time so we can make announcements about upcoming programs and expectations from our students and families. Students are expected to arrive at 10 a.m. in the gym. First-period classes start at 10:15 a.m.
Electronics Parents, please note that due to recent incidents involving illegal photographing and videotaping of students, we will be enforcing a “no-phone” policy. Phones are not allowed to be used during school hours unless for classroom instruction. Violations will result in the electronics being confiscated until the end of the day.
Again, we must remind parents that students cannot bring electronics to school (i.e.: Switch games, etc.)
Coming Prepared
For students to be successful, they must be equipped with the proper tools, such as pencils and notebooks. It is unfortunate how many of our students come to school with nothing. When it is time to write notes, they scramble for pencils and paper. As with public school students, please have your students come to school with pencils and notebooks.
Parking Lot Safety Unfortunately, we have recently seen a number of near-misses in the parking lot because parents are speeding and not paying attention. We must remind everyone to follow proper protocol for dropping off and picking up students. Do not speed. Pay attention and slow down. Come to a complete stop when dropping off or picking up students. When parking your car, be mindful of who and what is around you. Show some patience.
Google Classroom A substantial number of students have not yet accepted their Google Classroom invites. Not doing so will prevent them from participating in Google Classroom, the main communication mode for teachers. All school work, homework, and information is posted there. Please have your students log in to their Google school accounts and accept the invites so that they may be updated. For all Google Classroom issues, please contact Br. Abubakr Alaidroos
Charity ***As you all are aware, the situation in Gaza is substantially getting worse. Please consider giving your charitable donations to our partners at Helping Hand Chicago. We are partnering with Helping Hands Chicago to provide relief funds for the following: Palestine Morocco Libya
Our dedicated teacher, Mrs. Zainab Musleh, has crocheted a number of items to raise funds for Palestine. Please stop by the office to buy.
Snacks Students are provided pizza for snacks. If your student requires additional snacks, please send nutritious options from home. Students are not allowed to share snacks due to food allergies in a portion of our student body. The vending machine is off-limits to students. ***A number of students are eating pizza despite having food allergies. Parents, please be mindful of your student’s dietary needs. If they cannot eat pizza send a nutritious alternative from home.
Phone and Electronic Devices Reminder please do not bring electronic games or devices. They will be confiscated till the end of the day. We have had a number of incidents where students have used phones during their school day. Phones are not allowed unless specially required for a class assignment or project. If a student is using their phone without permission, it will be confiscated for the duration of the school day, and they will need to retrieve it from the office. Repeated offenses will result in detention. We have also had students bringing in Switch devices and other electronics. These are not permitted during school hours. MEC Sunday School will not be liable for the loss or theft of any electronic device. Please have your students refrain from bringing in any such devices.
Book Sales The online MEC Sunday School bookstore is available for you to purchase your student’s book. The updated booklist is attached. Please use the following link:
Reusable Water Bottles We are slowly phasing out plastic water bottles and have limited quantities to encourage our students to use reusable water bottles. So please send a reusable water bottle with your student.
Please contact Br. Abubakr Al-Aidroos, MEC Sunday School Registrar, for any questions or issues regarding registration.
Hadith: Prophet Muhammad (S) said: Whoever fasts the month of Ramadan acknowledging its limits and guarding what should be guarded, then it will be a forgiveness for the sins which came before it. (Musnad Ahmad)
Welcome to Sunday School News .
Apr. 7th: Eid Break – No School *****Please note: this is a schedule change. Eid break was originally 4/14 however to allow out families to spend the last few days of R7amandan in ibadah we’ve changed the date to 4/7. There is no school on 4/7. In Sha Allah, we will resume regular school on 4/14.
Apr. 14th: Study guides will be given to students
Apr. 14th: Principal Nomination Forms. Hard copy nomination forms will be available for staff to fill out. All results are secure and will only be visible to PTO Chair, Br. Abdullah, and the nomination committee.
Apr. 28th: Theology Department Event **Theology students will be engaged in various activities during their class times. The theme is “We Love Allah.”
Registrar Hours Br. Abubakr is available to help with any technical or registration queries. Please see attached flyer.
Student Attire ***Parents, please note: we will call parents to pick up students or drop off proper attire if the students arrive in inappropriate clothing. We have had students show up in slippers and such. Please refer to the handbook for the policy on student attire.*** We are in between seasons, so please make sure your students are warm enough and wearing gym shoes and clean socks.
Absences If your student will be absent, please contact their teachers to inform them and resolve any schoolwork issues. You should know your student’s Seerah, Theology, Tajweed, and Quran teachers and their contacts. If you are unsure, please contact Admin.
Tardiness We are still seeing a significant number of students arriving late. Parents must make every attempt to get students to school on time so we can make announcements about upcoming programs and expectations from our students and families. Students are expected to arrive at 10 a.m. in the gym. First-period classes start at 10:15 a.m.
Electronics Parents, please note that due to recent incidents involving illegal photographing and videotaping of students, we will be enforcing a “no-phone” policy. Phones are not allowed to be used during school hours unless for classroom instruction. Violations will result in the electronics being confiscated until the end of the day.
Again, we must remind parents that students cannot bring electronics to school (i.e.: Switch games, etc.)
Coming Prepared
For students to be successful, they must be equipped with the proper tools, such as pencils and notebooks. It is unfortunate how many of our students come to school with nothing. When it is time to write notes, they scramble for pencils and paper. As with public school students, please have your students come to school with pencils and notebooks.
Parking Lot Safety Unfortunately, we have recently seen a number of near-misses in the parking lot because parents are speeding and not paying attention. We must remind everyone to follow proper protocol for dropping off and picking up students. Do not speed. Pay attention and slow down. Come to a complete stop when dropping off or picking up students. When parking your car, be mindful of who and what is around you. Show some patience.
Google Classroom A substantial number of students have not yet accepted their Google Classroom invites. Not doing so will prevent them from participating in Google Classroom, the main communication mode for teachers. All school work, homework, and information is posted there. Please have your students log in to their Google school accounts and accept the invites so that they may be updated. For all Google Classroom issues, please contact Br. Abubakr Alaidroos
Charity ***As you all are aware, the situation in Gaza is substantially getting worse. Please consider giving your charitable donations to our partners at Helping Hand Chicago. We are partnering with Helping Hands Chicago to provide relief funds for the following: Palestine Morocco Libya
Our dedicated teacher, Mrs. Zainab Musleh, has crocheted a number of items to raise funds for Palestine. Please stop by the office to buy.
Snacks Students are provided pizza for snacks. If your student requires additional snacks, please send nutritious options from home. Students are not allowed to share snacks due to food allergies in a portion of our student body. The vending machine is off-limits to students. ***A number of students are eating pizza despite having food allergies. Parents, please be mindful of your student’s dietary needs. If they cannot eat pizza send a nutritious alternative from home.
Phone and Electronic Devices Reminder please do not bring electronic games or devices. They will be confiscated till the end of the day. We have had a number of incidents where students have used phones during their school day. Phones are not allowed unless specially required for a class assignment or project. If a student is using their phone without permission, it will be confiscated for the duration of the school day, and they will need to retrieve it from the office. Repeated offenses will result in detention. We have also had students bringing in Switch devices and other electronics. These are not permitted during school hours. MEC Sunday School will not be liable for the loss or theft of any electronic device. Please have your students refrain from bringing in any such devices.
Book Sales The online MEC Sunday School bookstore is available for you to purchase your student’s book. The updated booklist is attached. Please use the following link:
Reusable Water Bottles We are slowly phasing out plastic water bottles and have limited quantities to encourage our students to use reusable water bottles. So please send a reusable water bottle with your student.
Please contact Br. Abubakr Al-Aidroos, MEC Sunday School Registrar, for any questions or issues regarding registration.
Hadith: Prophet Muhammad (S) said: Whoever fasts the month of Ramadan acknowledging its limits and guarding what should be guarded, then it will be a forgiveness for the sins which came before it. (Musnad Ahmad)
Welcome to Sunday School News .
☪️Ramadan Mubarak!
Mar. 30th: Virtual Author Visit: Shifa Safadi
Location: This is a Zoom web conference. You can join this meeting from your computer, tablet, or smartphone. One tap mobile: +1 309 205 3325,,82030449070# +1 312 626 6799,,82030449070# You can also dial in using your phone. US: +1 309 205 3325, +1 312 626 6799, +1 646 931 3860, +1 929 205 6099, +1 301 715 8592, +1 305 224 1968, +1 346 248 7799, +1 360 209 5623, +1 386 347 5053, +1 507 473 4847, +1 564 217 2000, +1 669 444 9171, +1 669 900 6833, +16892781000, +1 719 359 4580, +1 253 205 0468, +1 253 215 8782 Meeting ID: 820-304-49070 Find your local number:
Mar. 31st: Seerat un Nabi Program please see attached flyer Parents, please have your students dressed in their finest Islamic attire!
Mar. 31st: Principal Nomination Form: The Principal Nomination Committee has forms for parents to fill out to nominate a candidate for the role of principal for the 2024-35 school year. Please stop by the desk in the lobby and take a few minutes to nominate a candidate. Apr. 7th: Study guides will be given to students Apr. 14th: Eid Break – No School
Registrar Hours Br. Abubakr is available to help with any technical or registration queries. Please see attached flyer.
Student Attire ***Parents, please note: we will call parents to pick up students or drop off proper attire if the students arrive in inappropriate clothing. We have had students show up in slippers and such. Please refer to the handbook for the policy on student attire.*** We are in between seasons, so please make sure your students are warm enough and wearing gym shoes and clean socks.
Absences If your student will be absent, please contact their teachers to inform them and resolve any schoolwork issues. You should know your student’s Seerah, Theology, Tajweed, and Quran teachers and their contacts. If you are unsure, please contact Admin.
Tardiness We are still seeing a significant number of students arriving late. Parents must make every attempt to get students to school on time so we can make announcements about upcoming programs and expectations from our students and families. Students are expected to arrive at 10 a.m. in the gym. First-period classes start at 10:15 a.m.
Electronics Parents, please note that due to recent incidents involving illegal photographing and videotaping of students, we will be enforcing a “no-phone” policy. Phones are not allowed to be used during school hours unless for classroom instruction. Violations will result in the electronics being confiscated until the end of the day.
Again, we must remind parents that students cannot bring electronics to school (i.e.: Switch games, etc.)
Coming Prepared
For students to be successful, they must be equipped with the proper tools, such as pencils and notebooks. It is unfortunate how many of our students come to school with nothing. When it is time to write notes, they scramble for pencils and paper. As with public school students, please have your students come to school with pencils and notebooks.
Parking Lot Safety Unfortunately, we have recently seen a number of near-misses in the parking lot because parents are speeding and not paying attention. We must remind everyone to follow proper protocol for dropping off and picking up students. Do not speed. Pay attention and slow down. Come to a complete stop when dropping off or picking up students. When parking your car, be mindful of who and what is around you. Show some patience.
Google Classroom A substantial number of students have not yet accepted their Google Classroom invites. Not doing so will prevent them from participating in Google Classroom, the main communication mode for teachers. All school work, homework, and information is posted there. Please have your students log in to their Google school accounts and accept the invites so that they may be updated. For all Google Classroom issues, please contact Br. Abubakr Alaidroos
Charity ***As you all are aware, the situation in Gaza is substantially getting worse. Please consider giving your charitable donations to our partners at Helping Hand Chicago. We are partnering with Helping Hands Chicago to provide relief funds for the following: Palestine Morocco Libya
Our dedicated teacher, Mrs. Zainab Musleh, has crocheted a number of items to raise funds for Palestine. Please stop by the office to buy.
Snacks Students are provided pizza for snacks. If your student requires additional snacks, please send nutritious options from home. Students are not allowed to share snacks due to food allergies in a portion of our student body. The vending machine is off-limits to students. ***A number of students are eating pizza despite having food allergies. Parents, please be mindful of your student’s dietary needs. If they cannot eat pizza send a nutritious alternative from home.
Phone and Electronic Devices Reminder please do not bring electronic games or devices. They will be confiscated till the end of the day. We have had a number of incidents where students have used phones during their school day. Phones are not allowed unless specially required for a class assignment or project. If a student is using their phone without permission, it will be confiscated for the duration of the school day, and they will need to retrieve it from the office. Repeated offenses will result in detention. We have also had students bringing in Switch devices and other electronics. These are not permitted during school hours. MEC Sunday School will not be liable for the loss or theft of any electronic device. Please have your students refrain from bringing in any such devices.
Book Sales The online MEC Sunday School bookstore is available for you to purchase your student’s book. The updated booklist is attached. Please use the following link:
Reusable Water Bottles We are slowly phasing out plastic water bottles and have limited quantities to encourage our students to use reusable water bottles. So please send a reusable water bottle with your student.
Please contact Br. Abubakr Al-Aidroos, MEC Sunday School Registrar, for any questions or issues regarding registration.
Hadith: Prophet Muhammad (S) said: There are two occasions of joy for the fasting person. One joy when he opens his fast and one joy when he meets his Lord. (Muslim)
Welcome to Sunday School News .
☪️Ramadan Mubarak!
March is Women’s History Month
Mar. 30th: Virtual Author Visit: Zoom info will be shared closer to date
Mar. 31st: Seerat un Nabi Program
Quran Bowl: Masha’Allah, we had a successful Quran Bowl this year. The aim was to test the student’s knowledge and see how they implemented the Quran in their behavior through various activities. We are sincerely grateful to our PTO members and parent volunteers who graciously stepped in as judges and helped decorate. Congratulations to the winners and classes on a job well done! Please see the attached photos for a glimpse of the day.
Registrar Hours Br. Abubakr is available to help with any technical or registration queries. Please see attached flyer.
Student Attire ***Parents, please note: we will call parents to pick up students or drop off proper attire if the students arrive in inappropriate clothing. We have had students show up in slippers and such. Please refer to the handbook for the policy on student attire.*** We are in between seasons, so please make sure your students are warm enough and wearing gym shoes and clean socks.
Absences If your student will be absent, please contact their teachers to inform them and resolve any schoolwork issues. You should know your student’s Seerah, Theology, Tajweed, and Quran teachers and their contacts. If you are unsure, please contact Admin.
Tardiness We are still seeing a significant number of students arriving late. Parents must make every attempt to get students to school on time so we can make announcements about upcoming programs and expectations from our students and families. Students are expected to arrive at 10 a.m. in the gym. First-period classes start at 10:15 a.m.
Electronics Again, we must remind parents that students cannot bring electronics to school (i.e.: Switch games, etc.) Phones are not allowed to be used during school hours unless for classroom instruction. Violation of this will result in the electronics being confiscated till the end of the day.
Coming Prepared
For students to be successful, they must be equipped with the proper tools, such as pencils and notebooks. It is unfortunate how many of our students come to school with nothing. When it is time to write notes, they scramble for pencils and paper. As with public school students, please have your students come to school with pencils and notebooks.
Parking Lot Safety Unfortunately, we have recently seen a number of near-misses in the parking lot because parents are speeding and not paying attention. We must remind everyone to follow proper protocol for dropping off and picking up students. Do not speed. Pay attention and slow down. Come to a complete stop when dropping off or picking up students. When parking your car, be mindful of who and what is around you. Show some patience.
Google Classroom A substantial number of students have not yet accepted their Google Classroom invites. Not doing so will prevent them from participating in Google Classroom, the main communication mode for teachers. All school work, homework, and information is posted there. Please have your students log in to their Google school accounts and accept the invites so that they may be updated. For all Google Classroom issues, please contact Br. Abubakr Alaidroos
Charity ***As you all are aware, the situation in Gaza is substantially getting worse. Please consider giving your charitable donations to our partners at Helping Hand Chicago. We are partnering with Helping Hands Chicago to provide relief funds for the following: Palestine Morocco Libya
Our dedicated teacher, Mrs. Zainab Musleh, has crocheted a number of items to raise funds for Palestine. Please stop by the office to buy.
We will be launching a winter coat drive shortly. More information will be shared soon.
Snacks Students are provided pizza for snacks. If your student requires additional snacks, please send nutritious options from home. Students are not allowed to share snacks due to food allergies in a portion of our student body. The vending machine is off-limits to students. ***A number of students are eating pizza despite having food allergies. Parents, please be mindful of your student’s dietary needs. If they cannot eat pizza send a nutritious alternative from home.
Phone and Electronic Devices Reminder please do not bring electronic games or devices. They will be confiscated till the end of the day. We have had a number of incidents where students have used phones during their school day. Phones are not allowed unless specially required for a class assignment or project. If a student is using their phone without permission, it will be confiscated for the duration of the school day, and they will need to retrieve it from the office. Repeated offenses will result in detention. We have also had students bringing in Switch devices and other electronics. These are not permitted during school hours. MEC Sunday School will not be liable for the loss or theft of any electronic device. Please have your students refrain from bringing in any such devices.
Book Sales The online MEC Sunday School bookstore is available for you to purchase your student’s book. The updated booklist is attached. Please use the following link:
Reusable Water Bottles We are slowly phasing out plastic water bottles and have limited quantities to encourage our students to use reusable water bottles. So please send a reusable water bottle with your student.
Please contact Br. Abubakr Al-Aidroos, MEC Sunday School Registrar, for any questions or issues regarding registration.