Hadith of the week:

Prophet Muhammad (S) said: The most beloved speech to me is the most truthful
speech. (Bukhari)

Alhamdulillah, we are heading into our fifth week of Sunday School. Here are some updates…

Parent Mentality Towards Sunday School

We’ve often come across dismissive comments from parents stating that they don’t believe their students will learn much, but anything is better than nothing. 

This type of mentality is detrimental to the welfare of the student. Weekend schools are not Islamic babysitting services. We have a team of dedicated, educated, and experienced teachers giving their time to provide your students with the best Islamic education. We are only augmenting what is being taught at home. Learning occurs a majority of the time from seeing. What do your students see at home? Take the time to go over the student’s work. Ask them what they have learned in their classes. Practice! Practice! Practice! Have your students practice what they have learned. Contact their teachers with any questions and concerns. Studies have shown involved parents make a significant difference in their child’s education. 

Student’s Attire

With the weather getting colder, please ensure your student is dressed appropriately. The Student-Parent Handbook outlines the expectations of student attire. Flipflops are not allowed at any time. Clean socks and closed-toe shoes are required. 

Student Materials

Please make sure your student is coming to school with their school books and materials. School books have all come in and are ready for purchase. If your child is required to bring in a Qur’an, then be sure they have it. Students who have books but continuously forget to bring them are at risk of being left behind. 


If you require to meet the principal or administration, please sign in at the security desk. You will be called in order. Please do not crowd the MEC Sunday School office corridor and remain in the lobby.

Student Absences and Early Dismissals

In the event of either a student absence or early dismissal, please email the principal@mecsundayschool.org as soon as possible. When you arrive to pick up your student, notify the security desk, sign in, and please be patient till your student is brought to you. Parents are not allowed to go to the classroom to retrieve students. Please wait in the lobby. 

Excessive absences. 

We meet 35 times this year, and one absence is enough to set a student back. Excessive absences will result in the student being burdened under a backlog of work and potentially risking being held back. In case of a medical excuse, arrangements can be made with the teacher and administration. 


Please remind your students to join their assigned classroom and grade. We have found some students sitting in the wrong grade and classrooms. Please refer to the emails sent with your student’s particular grades, classroom numbers, and their teacher(s) names. If you have any questions, please email registrar@mecsundayschool.org.

Any student not registered but sitting in class will not be allowed any assessment by the teacher. If we have students, who are not accounted for by registration in a classroom, their parents will be called. Students not officially registered will be put on a waitlist despite having sat in class. Questions? Please email registrar@mecsundayschool.org. 

Book Sale

There will be no book sales during school hours or after school on Sunday.  
If your student requires any books, please email principal@mecsundayschool.org with your student’s name, grade and title of book(s) requiring purchase so those specific book(s) can be held in advance for purchase. Please send adequate cash or check (payable to MCC) with your student on Sunday so can stop by the MEC Sunday school office to purchase. 
*Cash or check only. No credit cards. 

Online registration is now closed. Any further applicants will be put on a waitlist. 

Dismissal Time

Alhamdulillah, dismissal is going smoothly. Just a reminder for parents to please come to the front door to pick up your student(s). We will not send students into a crowd to find parents. It is the parent’s responsibility to be aware of release times and come to the door at the appointed time to receive your student(s). If you are distracted on your phones, we will hold your student(s) safely till you can retrieve them but do not hold us accountable for upset students. We are their teachers, not their parents. 

Pakistan Flood-Relief Fundraising

We have partnered with Helping Hands Chicago to raise funds for Pakistan’s flood relief. Please donate generously. There will be other relief efforts posted at a later date.

My Favorite Sunnah Art Contest

In celebration of Rabi ul Awal, students have the opportunity to interpret one of the Sunnahs of our beloved Prophet (SAW) through art. Please refer to the flyer for more details and contact teacher Summaya Ali with any questions. There will be two winners per grade. We look forward to seeing your student’s art! 
