Hadith of the week- Mar. 12, 2023

Aisha (R) narrates: I never saw the Messenger of Allah fast for a
complete month except for Ramadan, and I never saw him fast more in any
month than he did in Shaban. (Bukhari)

Turkey & Syria
MEC Sunday School is partnering with Helping Hands USA to raise funds for Turkey and Syria.  

Please share the following link and attached flyer widely:

Classroom Penny Drive
Masha’Allah, our penny drive is off to a great start! Please send pennies with your students, talk to them about the penny drive, and encourage discussions surrounding charity. 

Ramadan Planner ContestOpen to 9th & 10th graders, students are encouraged to create their own unique one-page Ramadan Planner. The flyer was given to students in class, along with samples. The winning design will be shared with the school community. The deadline is March 19th. Submissions should be mailed to principal@mecsundayschool.org. 

Resuming In-Person Assembly For Students
We are looking to resume assembly in the gym for students starting the first week of Ramadan, In Sha Allah. Parents are requested to drop their students off as usual. Due to the number of students, we are not allowing anyone aside from staff to attend the assembly. Assembly will start at 10:05 am to 10:15 am and have the morning dua and announcements. Classes will start at 10:15 am. 

Dhuhr Salah

Dhuhr Salah in the school and masjid will begin promptly at 1:40pm. 

Please see the enclosed list of class grade/sections who will be performing Dhuhr Salah in the masjid.
Dismissal from the school and masjid 1:50pm

We highly encourage parents to come and pray with their students in the masjid to give them a feeling of safety and community. We also ask parents to be patient during dismissal as we safely navigate students from different areas. 

Please consider signing up to volunteer during dismissal time.  https://forms.gle/isn1m6BigqCa2XWDA.

Google Classroom
Please use the following information to log into Google Classroom or reset password:

Email: firstname.lastname@mecsundayschool.org
DOB in the following format, including dashes: yyyy-mm-dd
If you have issues with the password, use the “forgot password” option to reset the password. If you continue to have any issues with Google Classroom, please contact Br. Afan at Afan@mecsundayschool.org