Hadith of the week- May 21, 2023

Prophet Muhammad (S) said: I do not eat while reclining. (Bukhari)

Unpaid Tuition
Please email the principal to set up an appointment to pay any remaining tuition fees. Slots are by appointment only. Any unpaid tuition will delay releasing students’ report cards and registration for the 2023-24 school year.
principal@mecsundayschool.org . Put “tuition payment appt” in the subject line.

***Please note: all tuition and outstanding fees must be paid by May 28, 2023.***

Unexcused Absences & Early Dismissal
Of late, there have been excessive unexcused absences. Please confirm any potential class changes with the office or your student’s teachers. Please note: students are required to attend ALL classes till June 4th. There are no plans for early dismissal for any reason. If your student has a legitimate reason for early dismissal, please email the principal and sign out with the security guard. 

The Prophet (SAW) said: “Do not treat people but in the way you would love to be treated by them.”

Source: Musnad Aḥmad 16220We are all responsible adults. Our children will copy our actions, not our words. Please be mindful of how you interact with our staff and security guard. These are volunteers who are taking time to support your students and are responsible for their safety. If you are asked to sign out your student for early release, please abide by the school’s protocol to do so. Any harsh treatment of the security guard or staff will not be tolerated. Please treat others how you wish to be treated. 
Upcoming Events

10th Grade Graduation – June 3rd 
Last day of school – June 4th

Make up for final exams 
If your student missed any final exams, please contact your student’s teachers to schedule a retake as soon as possible. 

Graduating Class Parents
10th Graduation Date: June 3rd
Parents of the 10th grade graduating class, please register your student and your families for the upcoming graduation. https://forms.gle/F8a7pN8KwSafGaiu5
*Please have your students turn in all outstanding work/tests by May 28th. Check your emails for updates regarding missing work.
*Please have your outstanding balance paid in full by May 28th.

Last Day of MEC Sunday School – June 4th
Please note attendance is required for the last day for all students. 

Parent Volunteers
We invite parents to get involved in Sunday School by volunteering. We especially need support during Dhuhr salah to help keep students safe and organized. This link has been shared weekly, but here it is again. Please consider signing up to volunteer during dismissal time.  https://forms.gle/isn1m6BigqCa2XWDA.

Contact the office for other volunteer opportunities. 

Turkey & Syria
MEC Sunday School is partnering with Helping Hands USA to raise funds for Turkey and Syria.  

Please share the following link and attached flyer widely:

Dhuhr Salah

Dhuhr Salah in the school and masjid will begin promptly at 1:40pm. 

Please see the enclosed list of class grade/sections who will be performing Dhuhr Salah in the masjid.
Dismissal from the school and masjid 1:50pm

We highly encourage parents to come and pray with their students in the masjid to give them a feeling of safety and community. We also ask parents to be patient during dismissal as we safely navigate students from different areas. 

Please consider signing up to volunteer during dismissal time.  https://forms.gle/isn1m6BigqCa2XWDA.

Google Classroom
Please use the following information to log into Google Classroom or reset password:

Email: firstname.lastname@mecsundayschool.org
DOB in the following format, including dashes: yyyy-mm-dd
If you have issues with the password, use the “forgot password” option to reset the password. If you continue to have any issues with Google Classroom, please contact Br. Afan at Afan@mecsundayschool.org