Hadith of the week- Sept. 17, 2023

Hadith: Prophet Muhammad (S) said: Convey my teachings to the people, even if it were
a single sentence… (Bukhari)

Welcome to week two of Sunday School! 

The following are some pertinent information for you:

*Our school’s theme this year is Communication: How to Follow the Sunnah and improve our communication. 
*Please share this with your students to take a moment to think before speaking and becoming self-aware of how our words affect others and present us to the world. Think about how we can follow the Sunnah of the Prophet (SAW) in our communication. 

*Parents of kindergarteners and First-graders may attend assembly to help their students acclimate to the environment. All other parents please drop your students off. 
*Assembly starts at 10 am. 
*When in assembly, please remain silent so we can start immediately. It is important we get our students prepped for their day and off to their classes. Distractions from parents delay this. 

We have to be good examples for our students; therefore, it is incumbent on parents to be on time when dropping off students. We will start marking tardies starting 9/17. All students are to be at school at 10 am in the gym for assembly.

Book Sales
The online MEC Sunday School bookstore is available for you to purchase your student’s book. Please use the following link:


We will be at the school on Saturday, 9/16, from 5:30pm-8pm for book pick-ups. You will receive an email receipt after your purchase. Please have your online book purchase receipt available when picking up your books.

Appropriate Attire
Please make sure your student is dressed in Islamically-appropriately clothing for the weather. All students must wear clean socks and closed-toed shoes. 

Reusable Water Bottles
We will have limited water bottles to encourage our students to use reusable water bottles. So please send a reusable water bottle with your student. 

Please contact Br. Abubakr Al-Aidroos, MEC Sunday School Registrar, for any questions or issues regarding registration. abubakr.alaidroos@mecsundayschool.org.