Hadith of the week:

After prayer, Prophet Muhammad (S) would say: O Allah, I ask you for
beneficial knowledge, good provision and acceptable deeds. (Sunan Ibn Majah)

As we head into the third week of Sunday School, we have been assessing various procedures and protocols and here are some updates and reminders…

Parents’ WhatsApp Group

For up-to-date communication, please join our 2022-23 Parents WhatsApp group using the following link:

Updated Teacher’s Schedule/Timetable

We’ve color-coded the Teacher’s Schedule to help you understand staggered release and break times. You will also find updated room numbers and teachers’ names. Please note: some class locations have changed to accommodate the increase in students. Check your student’s class number. 

**If you have recently adjusted your student’s class, please look at the updated schedule for classroom numbers and book lists. 

Book Sale

We are currently in the process of replenishing books, so please be on the lookout for upcoming announcements to book sale dates/times. 

Online registration is now closed. Any further applicants will be put on a waitlist. 

Dismissal Time

We will dismiss two grades simultaneously, starting with the younger students (Grades 1 & 2). Students will be escorted to the lobby to await their parents. Please refer to the dismissal times on the Teacher’s Schedule to see what time your student will be dismissed. Please do not come earlier than your student’s dismissal time. Trying to overlook these safety protocols will only delay your student’s dismissal. It will take everyone’s cooperation to make this process as smooth as possible. We will do our bit; please do yours. 

Jazak Allah Khairan,
Principal, MEC Sunday School
