Updates for the week of Oct. 22, 2023

Hadith: Prophet Muhammad (S) said: The people I dislike most are those who talk
uselessly and put others down… (Tirmidhi)

As-salaam mu’alaiykum Parents,

Welcome to week seven of Sunday School! 

We understand how difficult these past couple of weeks have been. As we watch from afar how our Palestinian brothers and sisters and children are suffering, the result of false rhetoric has affected us here in the senseless murder of six-year-old Wadea Al-Fayoume, the increased threats to Muslims, we make dua that Allah swt knows best. 

We want to assure you that MCC and MEC Sunday School are committed to ensuring the safety and security of our students, staff, and community members. We would like to inform you of some of the steps we have taken to enhance our existing security measures in response to the evolving security landscape:

1. MCC is working with local, state, and federal law enforcement. 
2. Masjid doors will be open only fifteen (15) minutes before salah time. This will help control crowds. 
3. Only the main masjid door will be utilized as entry and exit to the masjid. All other doors will be off-limits
4. If you see anything suspicious, please report it to the masjid immediately. Do not engage yourself. Do not respond emotionally. We will need to document the incident, so please make your safety a priority, but be vigilant. CAIR (Council on American-Islamic Relations) will look into any incidents. 
5. If the media approach you for any comment, please refrain from engaging with them. We have officials who engage with the press. Please just say the administration office will respond.  We do not want to jeopardize our organization. We do not want the media to take anyone’s response out of context. 

What MEC Sunday School is doing:
1. The school will be on lockdown. From 10a-1:30p, no one will be allowed to enter unless they have a previous appointment or have arranged for early dismissal beforehand.
2. There will be a Morton Grove Police Department presence during the drop-off and pick-up timeframes. Please do not be alarmed; this is just precautionary. 
3. This coming Sunday, Oct. 22nd, there will be an MGPD officer attending assembly to address parents, students, and staff. Please make every effort to attend this assembly. 
4. Counseling resources will be available upon request. 
5. Only the main school door will be utilized. All other doors will be off-limits. 

Other Resources:
1. Sound Vision has a wonderful newsletter addressing how to speak to your children about what’s happening in Palestine. Here is the link: https://www.soundvision.com/article/how-to-talk-with-your-children-about-the-crises-in-palestine?eType=EmailBlastContent&eId=7b921977-3f65-47da-95a1-d073f5f2f86d
Here are other topics covered in the newsletter:
Muslim Students Facing Harassment Due to Anti-Palestinian Bias in Schools
How to Talk with Your Children about the Crises in Palestine
Civic Engagement for Palestine is not Politics but Amal Saleh (Righteous Action)
Palestine: Talking Points, Thinking Points, & Action
Khutbah Notes: Palestine Solidarity
Book Review: Made from the Same Dough
What Time and Experience Have Taught Me about Being Judgemental

2. Books about Palestine. Here is a list of books about and by Palestinians according to age. 

  • Halal Hot Dogs by Susannah Aziz  
  • Sitti’s Bird: A Gaza Story by Malak Mattar
  • These Olive Trees: A Palestinian Family’s Story by Aya Ghanameh
  • You Are The Color by Rifk Ebeid
  • Sitti’s Olive Trees by Ndaa Hassan
  • What Did Allah Create For Me? by Heba Subeh-Hyder
  • We Are Palestinian: A Celebration of Culture and Tradition by Reem Kassis
  • Sitti’s Secrets by Naomi Shihib Nye
  • Yalla, Let Me Show You Palestine by Nasser Nabhan
  • Olive Harvest in Palestine: A story of childhood memories by Wafa Shami
  • When Za’tar Met Zeit by Wafa Shami

Middle Grade/YA

  • Where The Streets Had A Name by Randa Abdelfattah
  • Ida In The Middle by Nora Lester Murad
  • Farah Rocks Fifth Grade by Susan Muaddi Darraj
  • Badawai by Leila Abdelrazaq


  • The Beauty of Your Face by Sahar Mustafah
  • A Woman Is No Man by Etaf Rum
  • Salt Houses by Hala Alyan
  • My First and Only Love by Sahar Khalifeh

Please feel free to reach out to Admin with any questions or concerns. We are here to help you in any way. 

Jazak Allah Khairan,